Nanoscale photophysics of organic materials
2025.3.3-5 | D1 student Takagi participated in The 68th Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General Symposium. He was awarded the Young Scientist Poster Awards! |
2024.9.20 | D1 student Takagi participated in 85th Applied Physics. |
2024.9.3 | Vacha, Omagari, Tan, Takagi,Zhang, Matsumoto, Bamba, Asano participated in Photochemistry 2024 held in Fukuoka.
Tan was awarded the Photochemistry Discussion Group Outstanding Student Presentation Award in the Poster Presentation category! |
2024.9.1 | Xin Xu(M2) and Yuang Cai(M1) joined our lab. |
2024.7.3 | D3 students Wu and Tan presented their doctor's thesis.
- Wu: Microscopic fluorescence study of ion migration in lead halide perovskite heterostructures - Tan: Study of the effect of surface plasmon polariton on optical and photophysical properties of nanoscale materials |
2024.4.25 | Nithin joined our group as a Ph.D. researcher. |
2024.4.1 | Yoneda and Tahara joined our group as B4 student. |
2024.2.22 | B4 students Asano and Hirao presented their Bachelor's theses.
- Asano: Study on the Nanoscale Photophysical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Films - Hirao: Single Crystal Spectroscopy of Upconversion in Submicron Crystals of NaErF4:Tm3+, Yb3+ |
2024.2.13-14 | M2 students Kambe, Kobori, Takagi, and Wang presented their Master's theses.
- Kambe: Enhancement of Photosystem I Functions via Localized Surface Plasmon Effects of Regularly Arranged Gold Nanorods - Kobori: Study on EL and PL in Polyfluorene Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles Prepared by Reprecipitation Method - Takagi: Suppression of Blinking by Ligand Exchange in Single Perovskite Nanocrystals - Wang: Single-particle Spectroscopy Study of Centrifugation Dependent Product of Lanthanide-doped Perovskite Nanocrystals Takagi received the Best Presentation Award at the Master's Thesis Presentation. |
2023.5.28 | Research on Innovative Areas of Science (A) "Material Science of Meso-Hierarchy" (2023-09)" (Representative: Prof. Yagai, Chiba Univ.) has started.
Vacha's laboratory will participate in the project . and Vacha will serve as the project leader (group A02-2, mesophotometry). |
2023.4.1 | Hirao(B4), Asano(B4), Kobayashi(M1), Bamba(M1), Sakurada(D1) joined our group. |
2022.9.13-15 | Anubha gave an oral presentation and Maruyamano, Kambe, and Takagi gave poster presentations at the Meeting on Annual meeting on Photochemistry 2022 held at Kyoto University.
Anubha "Microscopic study of mixed cation lead halide perovskites" Maruyamano "Long-distance energy transport in supramolecular nanofibers" Kambe "abrication of well aligned gold nanorods substrate and their localized surface plasmon effect to enhance the function of Photosystem I " Takagi "Study on the change of emission properties of CsPbBr3 perovskite single nanocrystals by ligand exchange" |
2022.7.17-22 | Anubha gave a poster presentation at the 28th IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry.
"Microscopic study of mixed cation lead halide perovskites" |
2022.4.1 | WANG joined our group as M1 student,and Hishiyama and Matsumoto joined our group as B4. |
2022.2.28 | Kambe (B4) and Takagi(B4) presented their bachelor thesis. |
2022.2.14 | Shima (M2) and Nakamura(M2) presented their master thesis. |
2021.9.15 | Anubha ,Shima and Nakamura gave poster presetations at the Meeting on Annual meeting on Photochemistry 2021 September. Anubha:Study of optical and photophysical properties of mixed cation (FA/MA) lead halide perovskites on the microscopic level Shima:Diffusion length of triplet excitons in triplet-triplet annihilation photon upconversion in the presence of silver nanostructures. Nakamura:EL and PL properities of single CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals. |
2021.9 | Wu(D1),Zhang(M1) newly joined our lab. |
2021.5 | Tan(D1) newly joined our lab. |
2021.4.7 | Prof. Martin VACHA was awarded the Polymer Society of Japan Prize 2020. |
2021.4.4 | Maruyamano (M1), Takagi (B4) and Kambe (B4) newly joined our lab. |
2021.3 | Dr. Omagari received Tokyo Tech Engineering Education Award. |
2021.2.16 | Koishihara, Totsuka, and Furuya presented their master thesis. |
2021.1.19 | D3 student Nakamura presented his doctoral thesis. |
2020.9.9 | We participated in the web photochemistry forum held online. |
2020.8.12 | Quynh (M2) presented his master thesis. |
2020.4 | Dr. Omagari has joined as an Assistant Professor. |
2020.4 | Kobori joined our group as a new B4 student. |
2021.2.21 | B4 students, Mr. Shima and Mr. Nakamura, presented their graduation thesis. |
2021.2.14 | Master thesis presentations took place. |
2019.10 | Anubha newly joined our lab. |
2019.8 | Koishihara newly joined our lab. |
2019.9.10-12 | We participated in the photochemical debate at Nagoya University. |
2019.4.25 | We had a welcome party for international students Sam, Chen, and B4's Shima and Nakamura. |
2019.4 | Shima (B4) and Nakamura (B4) newly joined our lab. |
2018.10.3 | Quynh newly joined our lab. |
2018.10.1 | Suzuki graduated. |
2018.9.10 | Foreign student Vasek Sebelik arrived. |
2018.9.5~9.7 | Researchers Dr. Sharma, Mr. Omagari, and Mr. Narishima of D3 participated in the photochemical debate. |
2018.4 | Mr. Ogura as a Ph.D. researcher, Mr. Mio as M1, Mr. Totsuka as B4, Mr. Furuya newly added. |
2018.2.23 | Undergraduate thesis presentations took place. Mr. Goto won the Thesis Award. Congratulations!! |
Goto : Characterization of red emitting molecules with eight-membered rings by single molecule spectroscopy. | |
2018.2.15 | Ms. Dina Petrova finished her stay and returned to the University of Amsterdam. |
2018.2.13-14 | Master thesis presentations took place. Mr. Hatazaki won the Master Thesis Award. Congratulations!! |
Ueda : Evaluation of orientation process of photoalignable soft material | |
Nakamura: Fluorescence properties and conformation of polyfluorenes | |
Hatazaki: Single particle spectroscopy of photosystem 1 - the attribution of function to the structure | |
2018.1.29 | Ms. Dina Petrova came to our lab for two weeks from the University of Amsterdam. She will do single-molecule research on fluorescence materials which change upon external stimuli. |
2018.1.19-20 | We went skiing at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort, Nagano for 2 days. |
2018.1.1 | Assistant Professor Hirata has moved to The University of Electro-Communications. Congratulations!! |